MOST DANGEROUS LIZARS Lizards are a diverse group of reptiles that belong to the order Squamata, which also includes snakes. They have scaly skin, four legs (except for some legless species), movable eyelids, and external ear openings. They are mostly carnivorous and have various adaptations to avoid predators, such as venom, camouflage, and tail regeneration. There are more than 7,000 species of lizards in the world, living in different habitats and climates. Some of the most well-known lizards are the Komodo dragon, the chameleon, the gecko, and the iguana. Lizards are not dangerous to humans, however, some lizards are poisonous and can harm a person if they are touched or bitten by these reptiles. Certain lizards, such as the Komodo dragon, can grow to large sizes and have been known to attack and kill people. Most lizards, in reality, are harmless to humans, as are most turtles; however, there are certain members of both groups that can kill, maim, make ill, or inflict at...



1.    An animal which lives in the eucalyptus forests of the ease coast Australia. It looks like a teddy bear but it is a marsupial. It spends about 18 hours a day for sleeping It likes to lead a solitary life except during breeding season. This creature spends its entire life on the trees..
(a)       Koala
(b)       Alaska
(c)       Macaque
(d)       Orang utan
2.    Smallest among foxes. This animal lives in the  deserts of North America. Arabia and Senai peninsula. Its large ears help it not only to locate prey but act like radiator to cool its body. Body length is about 25 cms. It falls in the fox family. Carnivorous Its feet are furry. Skin is thick and silky.
(a)       Agousti
<img src="" alt="fennec" … />
(b)       Aardvark
(c)       Basilisk
(d)       Fennec
3.    A mammal found in many parts of Africa. Its name is derived from the sound produced by the female when alarmed. It likes to eat only the best part of the vegetation. Lives in small area. Their female are larger than male.
(a)       Alpaca
(b)       Zik-zik
(c)       Dik-dik
(d)       Fallow deer
4.    A solitary carnivore found in Madagascar. Body length is about 70 cm Length of its tail will come about its body length. It is considered the largest carnivore in the Madagascar. It looks like a civet. Colour of its body is reddish brown. They are found in groups only during breeding season. .
(a)       Bobcat
(b)       Fossa
(c)       Caracal
(d)       Bighorn
5.    Found in Sulawesi Celebes in Indonesia. It belongs to buffalo family. It is also known as the dwarf buffalo. Two varieties of the same are seen in Indonesia. Height of this animal varies from 60-90 cm Colour of the skin is either brown or black. Its number is reducing drastically because of hunting and destruction of natural habitat.
(a)       Anoa
(b)       Bison
(c)       Cape-buffalo
(d)       Derby eland
6.    Its name is derived from a Spanish word which means “little armored one”. Its body is covered all over with hard body plates. It lives in desert scrub and forests. Length is about 90cm and weight is about 60kg. Omnivorous. Feed on ants, termites, snakes, lizards and other small animals.
(a)       Newt
(b)       Pangolin
(c)       Armadillo
(d)       Ant-eater
7.    Name of this animal is derived from a Red Indian word which means “Shovel foot”. It belongs to the family of reindeer. Its length is about 130cm. and weight is about 300kg. Colour varies from grayish to white with lighter colored under parts. Both male and female have antlers. They live in groups of five to hundred members. They use their bigfoot to dig out food.
(a)       Tur
(b)       Alpine Ibex
(c)       Caribous
(d)       Spanish Ibex
8.    Found in Argentina. Belongs to the family of rodents. Size and shape of it is like that of a rabbit, but the tail resembles a squirrel’s tail. They are hunted for their beautiful fur and this brought them to the brink of extinction. Feed on leaves, Live in colonies. Famous for their soft, light weight beautiful fur.
(a)       Chinchilla
(b)       Duma gazelle
(c)       Iquana
(d)       Beaver
9.    A small rodent found only in the northern hemisphere. It has thick fur, small legs, eyes and ears. It is plant eater and size and shape of this creature resembles rat. Its colour varies from fawn, brown grey to almost black. It makes its territory using a body secretion.
(a)       Ground squirrel
(b)       Chipmunk
(c)       Antelope ground squirrel
(d)       Lemming
10. Found in the forests of Madagascar. Its name is derived from the local language which means ‘ghost’. This animal is a primitive monkey. More than 20 species of this animal are found in the forests of Madagascar. Most of them are vegetarians. Its size varies from 26 cm. to 75 cm. Colour is brown, white or black.
(a)       Lemur
(b)       Brown bear
(c)       Cape-hunting dog
(d)       Capybara
11. Short necked cousin of giraffe. It is found in the rain forests of Zaire, South Africa. Its height is about two meters and weight is about 250 Kg. Its eyesight is very poor but hearing and smelling is extremely good. Its limbs are covered with thick and irregular white colored stripes..
(a)       Ebroid
(b)       Okapi
(c)       Alaska
(d)       Moose
12. A type of wild dogs descended from wolves in Australia. It is believed that aboriginals brought it to Australia. It hunts in jungles in groups. They feed on Kangaroos, sheep and cattle. Length is about 70 cm. and colour is light red or brown. They are found in the Savannah and woodland forests of Australia.
(a)       Vixen
(b)       Grey-fox
(c)       Dingo
(d)       Nubian ibex
13. Belongs to the family of hyenas. But ears are bigger than hyenas. Its name is derived from an African word which means ‘earth wolf ‘and is found between eastern and southern Africa. Length is 85-170 cm. and weight is about 75 kg. Colour varies from yellow to brown red with black spots on it. It protects itself by emitting a foul smelling liquid from its anus.
(a)       Iguana
(b)       Aardwolf
(c)       Jackal
(d)       Jaguar
14. The longest living rodent found on the shores of rivers and lakes in the grasslands and forests of South America. Its body is like that of a pig with large head and short legs. Its nostrils, eyes and ears are high above the head. It is a good swimmer. Vegetarian. Length is about one meter and weight is about 50kg.
(a)       Capybara
(b)       Barrow ground squirrel
(c)       Siberian Ibex
(d)       Koala
15. Their name is derived from an African word which meands “the pig of the earth”. They are found in the open woodlands and grass lands of Africa. They have a stumpy thick set body with a large snout and a donkey like ears. Height is about 60cm. They have tough grey skin with hair on it. Nocturnal. Feed on termites, ants and fruits. .
(a)       Gazelles
(b)       Wildebeests
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(c)       Aardberks
(d)       Aardvarks
16. The only deer in which both males and females have antlers. Found in the Arctic tundra northern woodland edges. A migrating animal. Feed on lichens, dwarf shrubs, grasses and sedges. Its size varies from 1.2 to 2.2 meters and weighs 90-170 kilos. During migration members of the herd will come up to 1000 and they can cover 150 kilometers in a single day.
(a)       Reindeer
(b)       Derby eland
(c)       Common eland
(d)       Zorse
17. It belongs to the family of stoats and weasels. Body is like bear. Found in holes. Feed on earthworms, insects and small rodents. Its body is stocky with white and black hair all over. Length is about one meter. It has five toed claws on front feet.
(a)       Prairie marmot
(b)       Nessei
(c)       Basilisk
(d)       Badger
18. An animal belongs to the squirrel family. Found in the tropical forests to woods, grasslands and garden of Europe, America and Asia. Up to now three species of this creature are found. It lives in mountains. Vegetarian. Makes nests in the burrows . Shades of red brown and grey is its colour. Size is about 70cm.
(a)       Suslik
(b)       Chipmunk
(c)       Ground squirrel
(d)       Marmot
19. The largest among antelopes. Found in the forests, open woodlands and grasslands of Africa. Its face is narrow. Feed on fruits, flowers, seeds, pods and grasses. Size is about 1.3 meters and weight is about 20-100 kilos.Colour is fawn, grey or reddish brown. It lives up to 15 years.
(a)       Eland
(b)       Fallow deer
(c)       Ibex
(d)       Oryx
20. A mouse like creature. Rodent. It has pointed snout and large tail. It is omnivour and eat plant materials including roots, seeds and leaves and insects. Length is 5-28 cm. and colour is grey to tawny with white patches. Life span is 2-3 years. It like a solitary life and each one digs its own burrow..
(a)       Hare
(b)       Hamster
(c)       Hedgehog
(d)       Honey badger
21. A domesticated member of the camel family. A beast of burden used by South Americans. It can carry a load of about 60 kilos. It has good wool. It was the main stay of civilization of the ancient Incas. Size varies from 120-150 cm. at the shoulder and weight is up to 130 kilos. Its colour is brown or white.
(a)       Abalone
(b)       Pigmy hog
(c)       Llama
(d)       Lycanthrope

22. Its another name is screw horn antelope. It is found in the Sahara desert. It can live long without water. Its body resembles that of a cow with a deer like head. Its horns are spiral. Hunting and destruction of natural habitat made it a rare animal. Body length is 1.3 to 2.5 meters and weight ranges from 65 Kg. to 280 Kg. Colour is Blackish to Russet fawn or white.
(a)       Dama gazelle
(b)       Big horn
(c)       Addax
(d)       Chupacabra
23. Found in Africa. Its name is derived from an African word which means ‘cat’. Feed on reptiles, small mammals, insects and birds. Length is about 50 cm A fast moving creature on the trees.Colour of the fur is yellowish brown or fawn with whitish underparts.
(a)       Bobak
(b)       Angwantibo
(c)       Bobcat
(d)       Sigbin

24. A type of night monkey found in tropical South America and in Central America. They have a cap of hair on the crown of their head. One of the most intelligent animal of the monkey type. Feed on fruits, roots, leaves, insects, small mammals, snails and spiders. Length is about 60 cm and colour is white, yellow, red, brown and black.
(a)       Capuchin
(b)       Barbary monkey
(c)       Rhesus monkey
(d)       Hinny

1. (a)   Koala
2. (d)   Fennec
3. (c)   Dik-dik
4. (b)   Fossa
5. (a)   Anoa
6. (c)   Armadillo
7. (c)   Caribous
8.(a)    Chinchilla
9. (d)   Lemming
10. (a) Lemur
11. (b)Okapi
12. (c) Dingo
13. (b) Aardwolf
14. (a) Capybara
15. (d) Aardvarks
16. (a) Reindeer
17. (d) Badger
18. (d) Marmot
19. (a) Eland
20. (b) Hamster
21. (c) Llama
22. (c) Addax
23. (b) Angwantibo
24. (a) Capuchin


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